

The Mid-Island Castaways Fly Fishing Club

The Castaway’s is a non-profit society formed in 1996 by a group of anglers living in the Parksville / Qualicum Beach area of British Columbia’s beautiful Vancouver Island. In September that year the club formally adopted its current name and selected Brigadier General Noel Money’s Fly #2 as the club’s logo. Noel Earnest Money (1867-1941) was an historic Vancouver Island fly fisher. He was born in Canada and educated in England. Money served in the British Army during the Second Boer War and during the beginning of the First World War. Upon retirement he returned to Canada becoming a hotel (now the Crown Mansion) and golf course owner in Qualicum Beach. The Stamp River was his favourite steel-heading haunt where he fished with a spey rod and classic Atlantic salmon fly patterns.

The Castaways Club has thrived since its founding. It is the largest fly fishing club on Vancouver Island and in British Columbia, drawing members from as far away as Duncan and Courtenay. The three interlinked pillars of the club’s mission are recreation, education and conservation. Club members have access to information about where and how to fish. Regular fishouts are organized between March and October involving lake, river and ocean beach fishing. The Club’s education program offers courses, workshops and clinics on fly casting for both single and double-hand techniques, fly tying, and an annual two-day two-evening fly fishing fundamentals course for beginners and fly fishers new to the area. Special seminars and workshops focus on methods for specific waters, for example tight-line nymphing and beach fishing. The club has a valuable library of books and DVDs available for loaning to members. Our monthly meeting program includes presentations on a wide range of topics. Castaways members volunteer in conservation activities with other organizations such as the Nile Creek Enhancement Society, Stream Keepers, the French Creek salmon hatchery, and the Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society. The Club promotes ethical angling practices and the conservation of fish, their habitat and the environment in general. We welcome anyone with an interest in angling using artificial flies regardless of their skill level.

Visitors are welcome to the meetings

We're Back In Action!

The Castaways will again be meeting in person! The monthly general meetings are held the Qualicum Beach Community Hall at 7:00 PM on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, until further notice. Meetings are not held in July, August, and December. Check the Calendar for more information.

Membership Benefits

Members can participate in ‘Members Only‘ Fish Outs page. Fish Outs usually involve one day of fishing. Pre-trip meetings afford participants to learn about the expected target species and the best options for flies and other equipment that will help make the day enjoyable. These outings motivate members to get out on the water and explore many diverse and possibly undiscovered fly fishing opportunities on Vancouver Island. While these outings are not intended as educational outings, participants find they broaden their knowledge of our local area and improve their skills by associating with the more seasoned members of the club. Fish Outs are planned in consideration of a variety of options including weekend and weekday events, access to all types of water courses (lakes, rivers, and beaches) and seasonal fly fishing opportunities (Rainbow Trout in Spring and Pink Salmon in Fall).

Members also benefit from having exclusive access to the Mid-island Castaways Lake Guide that includes dozens of lakes located within 2 hours of Parksville/Qualicum. This guide was prepared for members by members and can be found in the ‘Members Only‘ page or by clicking on the link written in blue in this paragraph. The lakes noted have been fished and includes the driving instructions, GPS waypoints, stocking information, road conditions, and camping and boat launching options that were prepared and cross-checked by members.


The B.C. Wildlife Federation is a province-wide conservation organization representing British Columbians whose aim is to protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and their habitats and to promote the wise use of air, land, and waters for the benefit of present and future generations. The Castaways club are currently a member of the BCWF.

The BCWF is comprised of over 40,000 active members and represents the interests of all outdoor enthusiasts in B.C. including anglers and hunters. The Federation represents the interests of wildlife and fisheries to interested parties. These groups may include governments, service clubs, other non-governmental organizations, and the general public. The activities of the Federation are grouped under different committees. Each committee is headed by a chair who is appointed by the president and is responsible for coordinating the efforts of club members, regional associations, and direct members with respect to conservation issues relating to fish, wildlife, and the environment for the people of British Columbia.

Individual Member Benefits:

A voice in the largest and longest standing conservation group in BC, with over 60 years as the BCWF and 100 years as a collective Fish & Game Association:

    • $2,000,000 excess third party liability insurance including ATV use for hunting or fishing and other BCWF activities such as hiking and camping (if club has opted in)

    • Additional discounts with CapriCMW (for more info, call 250 869 3987)

    • BC Outdoor Magazine subscription to be mailed every 2nd month with exclusive BCWF content

    • BCWF Member vehicle decal and personalized BCWF card